Healthcare begins with Self-Care.

My approach is organic and filled with innovative nature based remedies. Most are simple. A simple approach to life is sometimes the best way to become more clear. I have learned that the hustle culture does not always work for everyone. While some folks thrive and find this way of life fulfilling, there is another approach that values a different definition of success. Success has nothing to do with your job title, your bank account or the beautiful things you own. It has everything to do with understanding your value outside of those “material things.” Your relationship to the world around you holds so much untapped and significant value, value beyond the rational mind and reductionist ways of viewing the world. Ultimately, we are here for love and connection. The master story of our society is technological progress and unlimited growth. This is a very masculine approach and negates our need to pause and just be. We need less doing, more being.

Humanity is out of balance. Masculine energies embody action, doing, achieving, logic and reason, while feminine energies embody soul, heart, compassion, justice, intuition, creativity and incorporates the love for the Great Mother, our delicate earth. Female energy values to protect and serve life. This is the time to embrace both energies with love, compassion and forgiveness, without anger or hatred.

We can create a new story because the patriarchal ONLY viewpoint, does not work. The rise of the Divine Feminine is occurring and Sacred Union of both masculine and feminine will provide a framework that embraces our true connection to each other and to the natural world. A change is quietly happening in the hearts of humanity.

My goal is help return our mindset to self-care as a starting point when seeking help with anxiety and transition. You and your body are wiser than you know… you just need to be reminded. Beginning with exploring the depths of your heart and truth will unleash a deep beauty within. Understanding simple ways of improving your immunity will empower your mind, body and spirit. From these basics, you will thrive. It all begins with you - you are the medicine. This is part of understanding your sovereignty. Embracing our feminine and returning to self-care as a means of healthcare naturally steers us towards embracing Mother Earth in the process. We are not separate from Her because we are part of the whole. I have so much excitement in creating dialogue around this way of understanding the world and being in the world.

Let’s connect. We need women who understand the energies of the Divine Feminine to create & work with enlightened men who seek to bring a new paradigm unto this planet. This work involves many layers and is ultimately a soul journey….

When we create beauty in the world , others will want to tune into this vibration. I am here to raise consciousness and so are you!